2005 Annual Meeting of TIAA-CREF

The meeting went reasonably well. We certainly dominated discussion throughout, speaking up in all sections of the meeting---to the dismay, at times, of CEO Allison. Both Ray (Killer Coke) and Dennis (World Bank Bonds, etc.) gave rousing introductory speeches calling TC on its irresponsible investments. Then we all got our causes across in individual short speeches by coalition group reps. With my personal longtime experience on TC matters, I introduced various ways that TC has been dragging its feet on social concerns over the years instead of being the responsive organization it proclaims itself to be. See www.makeTIAA-CREFethical.org on our causes, organizations involved, correspondence with TC, etc.

 Things went well for the outside demonstration, too. We had fliers, signs, our usual banner, some caps and gowns, etc. We could have used a larger crowd---maybe 15-20 folks were there, whereas we have had up to 60 in the past. But we did hand out plenty of fliers and conversed with sympathetic folks---and were snubbed by a few non-sympathetic ones! Many fliers got inside the building, and Regina of Sprawl-Busters made sure all trustees got one inside!.

Regarding media: Despite the fact that the Wall Street Journal writer we were in contact with never made it because her motorcycle conked out three blocks from the TC office!, we did get coverage in different places. We were in various web outlets via some directly using our press release or others doing a story (e.g. Economist.com and Business Times Malaysia). Stories also appeared in Pensions and Investments, Dow Jones Market Watch, and AM-NY. And we were mentioned briefly in outlets like the Kansas City Star. Additionally, we were interviewed on several radio stations. In the lead up to the meeting, including the Boston demo (Al from Sprawl-Busters and Josh from Campaign for  A Commercial-Free Childhood) and efforts of Social Choice for Social Change, we were also in the Boston Herald, LA Times, Reuters News Service, Bloomberg News Service, Institutional Investor.com, Investment Management Weekly, and Inside Higher Ed. Of course, I don't always catch all, so let me know of any others, as we try to keep track. Still, our coverage did not match some past years.

Though we did not monitor it directly, based on anecdotal reports and past experience we presume we did well in calling (perhaps flooding) TC phone lines leading up to the meeting.

As a whole, we have scored some successes over the years due to our combined efforts. See the two revised introductory campaign messages below and ways you can help out or get your colleagues involved. We need everyone to succeed further.

Copyright © maketiaa-crefethical.org 2005