We need your help if we are to succeed. Even if you are not in the TC retirement system, you can promote the campaign.

CONTACT TC and ask them why they are invested in the companies noted above given their irresponsible behavior. Tell TC they need to monitor and attempt to influence these companies for the better. And if positive changes are not made by those companies, TC needs to divest. If you are a participant, let them know that. Call CEO Roger W. Ferguson at 800-842-2733; 212-490-9000 (monthly, if you can) or email him at (but calls are far preferable). You will be asked to leave a message with an assistant. Besides your call, strengthen your influence with a brief message to TIAA-CREF trustees at  

Let us know ( ) which of the following you can do, as your time allows:

a. contact or ‘adopt’ a TC trustee in your area

b. visit a  local TC office

c. participate in demonstrations or leafleting in your area (or at annual TC meetings)

d. further promote the issue to colleagues beyond forwarding this message

e. ask your organization/institution to endorse our effort; then tell TC

f. express your concerns to TC representatives visiting your campus

g. liason with other groups with similar interests

h. distribute our op-ed piece to listservs, academic/administrative publications, organizations,

   schools, etc. 

i. help on media

j. flier outside the TC national off (Manhattan) once a week or once a month by yourself or

    with others 

k. get your college president to write a letter to TC

l. get creative: cook up some new tactics, or suggest them to us 



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