MakeTIAA-CREFEthical Past Updates

3-7-07 update

Dear TIAA-CREF (TC) campaign supporter:
  • We are currently still trying to convince TC to take up our target companies (like Coke) as ones to influence via shareholder activism. This is a key time in that TC trustees just approved their Policy Statement on Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, which is to guide such decision-making by TC. If you have not yet called (and emailed) TC, PLEASE do so now (I include in red, below, the relevant part of our call-to-action from a few weeks ago). See also the attached op-ed/call that is more geared toward campaign recruitment--not for contacting TC -- i.e., getting additional TC participants/faculty members involved in our effort (could be modified for staff). PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY --with a few encouraging words. THANKS. And here's another way to help:
  • As we have done annually for a few years, we are asking supporters to donate funds to the national Make TIAA-CREF Ethical/Social Choice for Social Change campaigns. Many of you have given valuable time in the past, (and some have given money). But, as they say, "We need to pay our phone bill!" We are proud of our progress and influence, especially given our very limited budget. But we could do more and thus we need your help, be it large or small. I am a full-time volunteer who retired from teaching to devote my time to social change activities; see also Graduation Pledge Alliance ( and the National Index of Violence and Harm ( Contributions made out to Manchester College are tax-deductible. In the notation space, say "TIAA-CREF Campaign donation . " Mail to Neil Wollman, MC Box 135, Manchester College, N. Manchester, IN 46962
  • For several reasons, we are permanently combining two TC email update lists (one geared toward influencing TC's socially responsible fund -- "Social Choice for Social Change"--and one for influencing TC to use shareholder activism as noted above--"Make TIAA-CREF Ethical. " If you want to stop receiving updates, please tell us. And thanks for your previous help.
  • Finally, though the fund is fairly well screened, there are still some stocks in TC's socially responsible Social Choice Account which likely should not still be there --or at least there is controversy concerning those stocks . If you can make a case (a page or two of rationale), we can present that to TC for their review. They are open to that. See page 242 for the fund's holdings.
  • (FROM OUR PREVIOUS CALL-TO-ACTION) Tell TIAA-CREF that if they remain invested in Coke, Wal-Mart, Costco, Nike, Altria/Philip Morris, and Chevron, that they should direct their proven record of shareholder advocacy to change these company's irresponsible behavior. If you are a TIAA-CREF participant, say that. Call and ask for CEO Herbert Allison at 800-842-2733; 212-490-9000 (leave message with an assistant); additionally, email him at (copies to ).

Neil Wollman; Ph. D.; Senior Fellow, Peace Studies Institute; Professor of Psychology; Manchester College, North Manchester, IN 46962;; 260-982-5346; fax 260-982-5043

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